معاني الأسماء في القرآن الكريم: دراسة حول أسماء الجحیم

Meanings of Names in the Holy Quran: A Study on the Names of ‘Hell’


  • Dr.Hafiz Haris Saleem Assistant Professor Govt. College Murree Author
  • Dr. Ghulam Hussain Baber Assistant Professor PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Author


Doomsday, transgressors, piety, Quranic names, Hell names, Meanings in Quranic names, Hell in the Quran, Names of punishment


The belief in the Day of Judgment, or Doomsday, is foundational in Islam, underlining the principle that justice is intrinsic to the faith. Muslims hold that justice must prevail both in this earthly life and in the hereafter, as ordained by the tenets of Islam. The Holy Quran unequivocally stresses that our present existence is but a temporary trial, a precursor to the ultimate judgment awaiting in the afterlife. It is on this basis that human actions, both virtuous and sinful, will be scrutinized and rewarded accordingly in the divine realm.

Central to fostering righteousness and eradicating moral decay within society is the concept of divine retribution, wherein the Almighty has decreed a Day of Reckoning subsequent to our earthly tenure. In this imminent reckoning, the virtuous will be duly rewarded, while the transgressors will face just punishment. The Quran vividly depicts the horrors of Hell and its myriad torments, utilizing various names and attributes to instill a profound apprehension of its torment in the hearts of wrongdoers.

Allah, in His wisdom, has delineated seven distinct stages of Hell, each tailored for different categories of disbelievers. Through these vivid descriptions, the Quran underscores the gravity of sin and the severity of its consequences. This scholarly exploration delves into the semantic nuances of the names and attributes attributed to Hell within Islamic scripture, shedding light on their profound significance and implications.

In elucidating these theological intricacies, this research not only enriches our understanding of Islamic eschatology but also offers valuable insights into the moral imperatives incumbent upon believers. By grappling with the theological underpinnings of divine justice and retribution, this study seeks to elucidate the profound implications of the Day of Judgment in shaping Muslim belief and conduct.


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How to Cite

معاني الأسماء في القرآن الكريم: دراسة حول أسماء الجحیم: Meanings of Names in the Holy Quran: A Study on the Names of ‘Hell’. (2023). Journal of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, 1(2), 1-11. https://jasss.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/20