People With Mental Disorders (ODGJ)as Part of Vulnerable Groups in Indonesia
Certainty, usefulness and justice are the main principles that should be the idea of a regulation. Regulations which fail to implement those principles will be ineffective and injustice. ODGJ as a part of the vulnerable category has experienced injustice from certain parties. Whereas there are regulations in Indonesia that protect the rights of ODGJ, however, the legal protection for ODGJ as part of vulnerable groups are not given the same as the protection to women and children who also as part of vulnerable groups. This research is normative legal research; the data used are primary, secondary, tertiary data which are analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The result of the study is that First, ODGJ as part of vulnerable group’s has the right to receive more treatment and protection with regard to their particularities and deserves special facilities and treatment. Second, Recognition of the existence of vulnerable groups is regulated in Act Number 39 of 1999 on Human Rights and Act Number 17 of 2023 on Health which give the responsibility to the State (Government) to provide mental health services, facilities and infrastructure for ODGJ.
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